VoIP Reseller Programs: Channel That Links Resellers With End-users

In the present-day world, the way one communicates holds immense significance especially in the business and corporate sector. The innovation and advancement of communication technology is on continual progress over several years. But, with the emergence of latest VoIP technology, businesses and corporate users are bidding an adieu to the years old PSTN services. The latest voice over IP technology is facilitating easy and cheap vocal communications across boundaries.

The best part of VoIP services is that the cost of call termination is reduced by up to 40 to 60 percent. Therefore, for this reason, large number of users is dependent upon internet telephony services for their daily need of communications. Any interested user can venture into the domain of VoIP reselling, as it requires low investments. As a matter of fact, infrastructural and hardware requirement are put in place by the providers and wholesalers in most instances. The VoIP platform providers smoothen out the entire process.

The VoIP resellers avail some portion of IP switch from wholesalers and then sell VoIP minutes to end users. Therefore, it can be said that these IP resellers hold a definite position; they ensure the wide-spread use of these innovative services. They also ensure that corporates and individuals are making the best use of emerging opportunities in this domain. The wholesaler provide VoIP reseller programs as two plans-a standard plan and a white label or platinum plan. Both these programs are profitable as well as convenient.

It can be said that the market is replete with VoIP reseller opportunities. The white label programs allow resellers to re-brand their products or services with their own brand and re-sell them. This helps the resellers in marketing the services for the users in a unique way, by making themselves distinct from existing brand names. This fact, in turn, distinguishes white label programs from standard programs. In the standard program, resellers sell already branded products and services to end users. Thereby, the main difference between the two programs is in branding. It is important that a VoIP reseller must select the right service provider to ensure that the services conform to certain established quality standards.

To conclude, it can be stated that the VoIP resellers buy services or products in wholesale and sell minutes in retail to end-users or real users. Depending upon the scale and requirements in specific instances, resellers can opt for either standard programs or they could go with white label programs.